Digitize processes one step at a time to centralize data

In medium-sized and large enterprises, document management environments and their data lead to complex management that demands the time of several resources depending on the process of processing information related to transactional or operational documents.

The responsibility of each employee throughout the process is distributed, virtually, among various locations, functions or divisions. It can therefore be difficult to determine the extent and costs of such an environment. These environments present opportunities to be exploited to improve the efficiency of resources and costs to complete a transaction, an operation and comply with the regulations of the laws of your industry.

When everything is new and to be invented.

It is not a question of constructing a building, nor of laying out a road, nor of developing a district.

Digital technology presents a complexity and mobility that is more difficult to grasp than that of a material object. It has the advantages that derive from its abstract nature: it is infinitely malleable and scalable.

It is therefore possible to carry out a version of the preliminary processes of the current rudimentary situation intended to be optimized, according to the comments and suggestions of the users, which will give rise to a new more elaborate version, then to the introduction of new optimizing technologies. the architecture and geometry of the processes.

OceanData strives to demystify digital transformation by tailoring Zoho to your business needs.

  • Consulting Service
  • Advice. OceanData provides you with its technical expertise to facilitate the integration of your business software.
  • Deployment services
  • Technical. OceanData carries out your #data projects within Zoho cloud software, or supports your teams on technical points.
  • Training and support services
  • Communication. OceanData plays its popularizer role and tries to talk about Zoho One with simplicity.

Diagnostic step:

  1. Planning: We work with you to identify the main challenges related to your environment to fully understand the business rules that govern your organization.
  2. Data Collection: We use proven tools to map all elements of your environment, which will give your team insight into the basics, processes in place from people to each of the revenue channels.
    Analysis: With this comprehensive data, our advisors thoroughly analyze your situation and identify opportunities for optimization and describe how it works in functional analysis to facilitate the automation of data processing and the development of your employees.
  3. Solution diagnostic: We provide you with a list of recommendations to improve the productivity and efficiency of the resources allocated to each step of a process. Our goal is to increase durability and decrease costs. It can be a specification, the process plans that govern your business, a description of the data tables to migrate, the features to develop in Zoho Creator to satisfy your processes.

How do you make the perfect sandwich without asking what they want in their sandwich? It’s impossible.