let toggle = false;

var body = document.body; const chk = document.querySelector('.check');

chk.addEventListener("click", () => { if(!toggle){ toggle = true; body.classList.add("darkMode");

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Zoho CRM integration

Further, faster : Data + Processes. Zoho CRM integration

Since 2017, Oceandata simplify your day at work with automation that integrates data from your software to make it easier for your teams to work from anywhere.

Powering organizations with digital solutions that double capacity with same results.

Zoho CRM : organise data for Real Estate Management and Building Maintenance (HVAC, Plumbing, Elevators, Electricity, Parking and more).

Your business is our priority!

We are your Zoho CRM partner in Montreal, Quebec.

With more than 300+ Zoho CRM and Zoho Creator turnkey projects.

Your time is valuable, transform static Excel files into an integrated application, because of Zoho Creator.

Take control of your time, because technology is working for you on your terms!

Oceandata’s vocation is to facilitate passion at work for people because of efficient solution to synchronize your software.

iT services to convert Excel spreadsheets into cloud software solutions integrated with your current systems.

If there is data we have a solution, the only limit is imagination and resources.

Oceandata take a smart step ahead.