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Data migration: Glossary

This article covers definitions of a number of terms related to data conversions in order to provide a basis for understanding for the reader.

Catch up conversion:

The process of converting data that has been created between when an initial conversion (or set of conversions) has been performed and when a platform is scheduled to go live.

Configuration data:

The configuration data acts as a guide or set of instructions used by the application to determine how the system will operate; typically, this is data created by the business process team during system implementation.

Data accuracy:

Data adherence to integrity constraints and guidelines and ensuring that it reflects actual condition.

Data audit:

The series of activities performed to validate that the approach was followed and supporting evidence is available for review.

Data conversion:

The process or set of processes by which data from an existing system is moved to a new system.

Data creation:

The data creation process is involved in populating the elements of the data structures of the target system because there is no direct relationship between the data elements of the source system. The data created can be populated with a default value for all entries.

Data extract:

The data extraction process involves classifying information, at the record level, from tables or files in a data conversion source system and storing that information in another “container”, typically a file. of data. The process controls the inclusion / exclusion factors determining what data is extracted and provides the format of the resulting file.

Data integrity:

Data integrity is the extent to which data adheres to defined business rules, accepted values, and accepted formats. Rules and accepted values ​​and formats are implemented through modifications, validations, and database or code domain checks.

Data object:

A data object is a class of data and all of the data elements (attributes) that make up that data class in the application environment.

Data quality:

The level of assurance that the data under consideration contains correct values.

Data correction:

The process of determining that the data extracted from the source system and imported into the new system is complete.

Data transfer:

The data transfer process is involved in populating the data structures in the source data conversion system.

Data translation / mapping:

The data mapping process is involved in matching the elements of an extraction file with elements of the data structures in the conversion of target system data and formatting the extracted data according to the requirements of the data structures of the system. target.

Data verification:

It is the process of reviewing and ensuring that the data has been technically processed correctly, however, it does not guarantee the quality of the data.

Data validation:

It is the process of reviewing and ensuring the completeness, accuracy and validity of data in accordance with GxP standards.


A domain is the set of valid values ​​for the content of a data field. Valid values ​​could be defined as a discrete set and stored in a table, status codes, or could be defined by a standard domain.

Modifications / validations:

Edits / validations are programmatic checks to verify data integrity. Updates are checks that can be applied to a data item without referring to other record field values ​​or other data sources. Validations are checks that verify values ​​by referencin


Enterprise resource planning is an integrated management of key business processes, often in real time and mediated by software and technology.

Master data:

Master data is the collection of information stored in a system, which supports transaction processing of an application. It is the data that defines and describes the main participants in the business process.

Organizational data:

a special class of data within an application system that is used to describe the organizational hierarchy of the company and the presentation of its financial accounts.


Ready to launch. A file in a format that can be loaded into the target system without requiring further transformation or modification.

Source system:

A source system is an application that will be the data provider to use in the conversion process – the “from” system.

Target system:

A target system is an application which will be the recipient of the converted data – the ‘to’ system.

& nbsp;

g other record field values ​​from other data sources.

Bruno Pouliot

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