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Setting Up Triggers

Setting Up Triggers

Triggers are an important part of modeling the buyer journey. They’re the impetus for causing you to take action. A trigger is when a lead does something that causes you to take an action in response.

Triggers are possible whenever you can measure a contact’s action. Your CRM
must capture these actions to be able to activate a workflow, so you must gather as much data as you can. Email, website traffic, forms, and anything your CRM touches can be part of the triggering process. Some examples of triggers that clients can take are:

  • Read or click a link in an email
  • Visit a webpage
  • Watch a video
  • Share or like a social media post
  • Chat with a customer service rep
  • Meet someone at a trade show
  • Purchase a product from an online store
  • Abandon a process (for example, not completing a purchase)
  • Fill out a form
  • Initiate a support request ticket

In anticipating what a lead could do as a trigger, you can look at it in a couple ways. You could look at an individual action, such as a lead clicking a link, or watching a video; or you could look at a series of actions and use a scoring algorithm. If someone does enough things to warrant a response from you, set up what those actions might be.

You may want to include demographic filtering on the triggers; only certain types of leads activate a response from you. One common filter is making sure your employees don’t activate workflows. You could assign a negative demographic score to all your employees, and then only allow a workflow to be activated if the lead’s demographic score is positive. Another example: You have a product that is only sold to homeowners; if a lead clicks a link to learn about the product, you can suppress the workflow when the person is a renter.

Surveying your processes for triggers

When you use a tool like JourneyFlow to document your processes, you can identify opportunities where a trigger can help a buyer along a journey. This opportunity may include automated communication, or it could flag a contact in your Zoho CRM for follow-up by a salesperson. Your CRM tracks when these triggers are activated and what happens afterward.
Limiting over-automation
When you set up your triggers, you want to be careful that there is not too much automation happening at once. You can establish workflow limits in a couple ways:
Design your triggers in critical steps where people are likely to only go once
(for example, relying on scoring instead of an individual action that a lead
might take several times in a row).
Limit the activation rate of your workflows, so that they can only be triggered once a day, or once a week.
Use one way or a combination of them, but it’s important to think through your interactions and ensure you maintain a healthy balance and frequency of touchpoints with your leads and clients.
Encouraging Leads to Activate Triggers
When you have built your triggers, you’re creating ways to engage your contacts efficiently. For triggers to work, they have to be timely and relevant. In building your buyer journey, evaluate each step for places where triggers make sense.
Designing to support your process
Look at each trigger individually and ask yourself what kind of lead you want to activate that trigger. Put yourself in the shoes of your buyer personas. At each trigger, ask yourself if now is a good time to reach out to that lead. Take, for example, a lead scoring trigger. This trigger activates a workflow when a lead generates a minimum threshold of lead scoring points in a day. Would you send an email to the contact right away? Probably not. Some of your leads might find that a little creepy. However, if you schedule a follow-up in your CRM for a salesperson in the next 24 hours, you would be striking while the interest is high, while avoiding the impression of mowing too much about that lead’s activities,

Campaigns that start your leads on your
buyer journey

If you’re targeting new leads, think about campaigns that start your leads on your buyer journey. A campaign might bring someone to a landing page, but be cognizant of where the leads are coming from. Some leads may require different kinds of attention. Higher-value sales generally require more handholding, so trigger CRM activities for those kinds of interactions. Consider having different workflows activated if your campaigns target different market segments.
Preparing for process abandonment
Whenever you’re tracking a lead through a buyer journey to conversion, a certain percentage of people don’t convert or are stuck at a particular stage. Set up process abandonment automation to recapture as many people who appear to drop out of the process.
Whenever someone doesn’t progress along your buyer journey, think about how you can keep the process moving. Remind and/or incentivize your leads of what you want them to do.
Usually the perception of someone leaving a conversion process is measured in time. If you expect someone to go from one stage of your buyer journey to the next within a week, but he doesn’t, set up a workflow to “catch” that person. Your automated reminder may be an email with an explanation of benefits, a financial incentive, a CRM activity for one of your salespeople to follow up with your lead, or a combination of these.
Bruno Pouliot

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